Harajuku Halloween


I don’t usually celebrate Halloween as it’s not much of a tradition in the Czech Republic but as a student of English I naturally have the chance to get involved somehow. I love to dress up but I’m not really a party animal so I usually end up not doing anything special on the day. However, this year I’m doing a course with one of my favourite teachers who is crazy and fun enough to dress up (and have her students dress up) just for the one last October lesson.


It took me a bit to think of the appropriate costume because I didn’t really want to buy anything crazy for the purpose of wearing it for mere 90 minutes. But then my newly-discovered enthusiasm for Asian fashion and culture kicked in, and I decided to dress up as a Japanese harajuku/decora girl:nov15_01e

I happen to have all sorts of colourful headbands, hairclips, stickers and other knick-knacks which nicely correspond with the style. To reach perfection I’d have to dye my hair a really bright colour (my dark pink has already washed out, sadly) and get lovely big eye contacts but I did my best to be as kawaii as possible!


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